Smell preservation kits save lives, money, law enforcement says, WFTV

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Odor preservation kits save lives, money, law enforcement says

by: Samantha Manning Updated: Jul 27, two thousand seventeen – 11:34 PM

SUMTER COUNTY, Fla. – Local law enforcement agencies are using what’s called a odor preservation kit to find missing people.

A K-9 was able to track the woman`s smell. She`s the 2nd person in the county that was able to be tracked down because of the kit.

Law enforcement officers said the kits can not only save a life, but time and money.

Sumter County sheriff’s deputies react to calls about missing people with Alzheimer’s or dementia about once a week in The Villages.

Residents Carol and Jerry Knoll said they witnessed it happen firsthand after a neighbor wandered off.

“He had gone about eight or nine miles in a golf cart in an area he shouldn’t have been,» said Jerry Knoll. “That was indeed scary.»

Several local law enforcement agencies in Florida are now using the smell preservation kits.

How it works

The kits are an efficient way to find a missing person, law enforcement officials said.

A person has to paw a special pad on their upper assets, usually under their arms or on their chest.

Then, the person will place the pad in a sterile jar.

As long as it is not opened, it will stay good for seven years.

A life-saving instrument

«It will save a lot of time attempting to find somebody,» said Lt. Robert Siemer of the Sumter County Sheriff`s Office.

He said searching for a missing person required a superb deal of resources.

«Historically, if a loved one went missing that has Alzheimer’s or dementia, we could send as many deputies as we could. We`d send our helicopters up here,» said Siemer.

The kits help a K-9 zero in on the smell. Sumter County has not yet found someone using the kit.

The Knolls said they plan to make their own kits soon.

The Marion County Sheriff`s Office bought 1,000 of the odor preservation kits in June.

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